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Nubes dispersas Nubes dispersas
Actualmente: 19.3, min: -0.2, max: 9.3
19,3°C  rising


Temperatura de sensación: 19°C
Interior: 20,4°C
  Alto Baja
Hoy: 9,3°C (11:05) -0,2°C (06:06)
Ayer: 6,9°C (15:42) 2,4°C (23:53)
Mes: 25,9°C (10-04) -0,2°C (21-04)
Año: 25,9°C (10-04) -11,8°C (11-01)
Station record: 19,6°C (2013) 8,5°C (2012)


Lluvia hoy:0,8 mm

Intensidad de la Lluvia/hr:0,0 mm

Ayer:1,2 mm

Este mes:67,7 mm

Total anual:123,4 mm

11 días con lluvia este mes 


Viento de N

Viento de N
12,8 kmh

2 Bft
Brisa ligera

8,0 kmh

Ráfagas de hoy:
18,5 kmh en 10:40


Sol:   sunrise  08:27 sunset  18:06

Daylight hh:mm 9:39 ( 0 minutes)

Luna:  moonrise  03:33 moonset  13:53

Cuarto Creciente,  31% Iluminado

Humedad & Baromètro

Humedad: falling 72%

Punto de rocío: falling 14,2°C

Baromètro: falling 1011,2 hPa

Tendencia: Constantes

Indice UV Pronóstico more information

Indice UV Pronóstico more information

Zambretti pronóstico

Fine weather

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsmetno3/metnoCreateArr.php on line 100

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): 404 Not Found in /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsmetno3/metnoCreateArr.php on line 100

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): ^ in /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsmetno3/metnoCreateArr.php on line 100

Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: String could not be parsed as XML in /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsmetno3/metnoCreateArr.php:100 Stack trace: #0 /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsmetno3/metnoCreateArr.php(100): SimpleXMLElement->__construct('404 Not Found\nT...') #1 /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsmetno3/metnoGenerateHtml.php(34): metnoWeather->getWeatherData('36.601297863348...', '-4.531334638595...') #2 /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsmetno3/wsDashMetno.php(97): include('/home/meteoben/...') #3 /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsDashForecast.php(54): include('/home/meteoben/...') #4 /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsStartPage.php(196): include('/home/meteoben/...') #5 /home/meteoben/www/weather28/index.php(353): include('/home/meteoben/...') #6 {main} thrown in /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsmetno3/metnoCreateArr.php on line 100