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Boyas y otros dispositivos de medición del tiempo en el mar

Mesomap of nearby weather buoys

 Temperatura del aire   Temperatura del agua   Dirección del Viento @ Velocidad   Velocidad ráfaga de viento   Baromètro   Tendencia baro.   Altura de las olas   Visibillity 

7,8°C 10,5°C Wind from WNWWNW@64,8 km/h - 1002,0hPa - 4,9ft 20km

9,0°C 11,6°C - - 1005,7hPa - 9,2ft 9km

9,5°C 12,5°C Wind from WNWWNW@55,4 km/h - 1012,1hPa - - 9km

8,1°C - Wind from WW@55,4 km/h - 983,8hPa +0,3hPa - 20km

6,6°C - Wind from WW@57,6 km/h - 995,8hPa -1,3hPa 10,2ft 20km

5,9°C - Wind from WW@48,2 km/h - 996,2hPa -1,0hPa 9,5ft 20km

8,2°C - Wind from WW@63,0 km/h - 971,0hPa +0,8hPa 21,3ft 9km

6,6°C - Wind from NNWNNW@38,9 km/h - 966,6hPa +2,7hPa 17,4ft 20km

9,1°C 11,7°C Wind from WNWWNW@66,6 km/h - 1014,4hPa - 19,4ft 4km

6,6°C - Wind from WW@72,4 km/h - 977,9hPa +0,8hPa - -

-°C 11,2°C Wind from NWNW@70,6 km/h - 1010,5hPa - - -

6,9°C 10,3°C - - 996,6hPa - - -

Sandettie Lightship at 07:00: Air:. 7,8°C, Water: 10,5°C, Wind: WNW@64,8km/h, Baro: 1002,0hPa, Waves:  4,9ft Greenwich Lightship at 07:00: Air:. 9,0°C, Water: 11,6°C, Baro: 1005,7hPa, Waves:  9,2ft Channel Lightship at 07:00: Air:. 9,5°C, Water: 12,5°C, Wind: WNW@55,4km/h, Baro: 1012,1hPa, Anasuria AWS at 07:00: Air:. 8,1°C, Wind: W@55,4km/h, Baro: 983,8hPa (+0,3), No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. North Sea at 07:00: Air:. 6,6°C, Wind: W@57,6km/h, Baro: 995,8hPa (-1,3), Waves:  10,2ft Clipper AWS at 07:00: Air:. 5,9°C, Wind: W@48,2km/h, Baro: 996,2hPa (-1,0), Waves:  9,5ft Beryl A AWS at 07:00: Air:. 8,2°C, Wind: W@63,0km/h, Baro: 971,0hPa (+0,8), Waves:  21,3ft No recent reports. No recent reports. North Sea at 07:00: Air:. 6,6°C, Wind: NNW@38,9km/h, Baro: 966,6hPa (+2,7), Waves:  17,4ft No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. Sevenstones  at 07:00: Air:. 9,1°C, Water: 11,7°C, Wind: WNW@66,6km/h, Baro: 1014,4hPa, Waves:  19,4ft North Sea at 07:00: Air:. 6,6°C, Wind: W@72,4km/h, Baro: 977,9hPa (+0,8), No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. K4 Buoy at 07:00: Water: 11,2°C, Wind: NW@70,6km/h, Baro: 1010,5hPa, K5 Buoy at 07:00: Air:. 6,9°C, Water: 10,3°C, Baro: 996,6hPa,

ID Nombre Tiempo CET Air °C Agua °C Viento km/h Baro hPa Tendencia hPa Ondas ft Visibillity km
62304 Sandettie Lightship 07:00 7,8 10,5 WNW Wind from WNW 64,8 1002,0 - 4,9 20
62305 Greenwich Lightship 07:00 9,0 11,6 - 1005,7 - 9,2 9
62103 Channel Lightship 07:00 9,5 12,5 WNW Wind from WNW 55,4 1012,1 - - 9
62164 Anasuria AWS 07:00 8,1 - W Wind from W 55,4 983,8 +0,3 - 20
62166ThamesNo recent reports.
62147Galaxy 111No recent reports.
63105Brent "B" AWSNo recent reports.
62142North SeaNo recent reports.
62145 North Sea 07:00 6,6 - W Wind from W 57,6 995,8 -1,3 10,2 20
62144 Clipper AWS 07:00 5,9 - W Wind from W 48,2 996,2 -1,0 9,5 20
63110 Beryl A AWS 07:00 8,2 - W Wind from W 63,0 971,0 +0,8 21,3 9
63113Brent "A" AWSNo recent reports.
63104North SeaNo recent reports.
63112 North Sea 07:00 6,6 - NNW Wind from NNW 38,9 966,6 +2,7 17,4 20
63117North SeaNo recent reports.
62091M2-20 NM E LambayNo recent reports.
62094M5-SENo recent reports.
62092M3-SW Mizen HeadNo recent reports.
62090M1-W Aran IsldNo recent reports.
62093M4-Donegal BayNo recent reports.
62303Pembroke BuoyNo recent reports.
62107 Sevenstones 07:00 9,1 11,7 WNW Wind from WNW 66,6 1014,4 - 19,4 4
62114 North Sea 07:00 6,6 - W Wind from W 72,4 977,9 +0,8 - -
62301Aberporth BuoyNo recent reports.
64046K7 BuoyNo recent reports.
62125Station 62125No recent reports.
62081K2 BuoyNo recent reports.
62105 K4 Buoy 07:00 - 11,2 NW Wind from NW 70,6 1010,5 - - -
64045 K5 Buoy 07:00 6,9 10,3 - 996,6 - - -

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