This is an optional block. Switch it on/off in your settings-file: $SITE['bannerTop'] = false; or $SITE['bannerBottom'] = false;

You can display ads, any other important text or photo’s using text / html or PHP code.

You can place one or more at the top and or bottom and it can all be different for content / size .

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forecast image moon image 11:21 => 18:25 21-04-2017 VIENTO
12,8 km/h
TEMP OUT 19,3 °C HUM OUT 72 % BARóMETRO 1011,2 hPa
TEMP IN 20,4 °C HUM IN 28,0 % FEELS 19 °C
DAILY RAIN 0,8 mm RAIN RATE 0,0 mm/h
24 x 1hr TEMP Hi 19.4 Lo 11.4

This is an optional block. Switch it on/off in your settings-file: $SITE['bannerTop'] = false; or $SITE['bannerBottom'] = false;

You can display ads, any other important text or photo’s using text / html or PHP code.

You can place one or more at the top and or bottom and it can all be different for content / size .