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Nubes dispersas Nubes dispersas
Actualmente: 19.3, min: -0.2, max: 9.3
19,3°C  rising


Temperatura de sensación: 19°C
Interior: 20,4°C
  Alto Baja
Hoy: 9,3°C (11:05) -0,2°C (06:06)
Ayer: 6,9°C (15:42) 2,4°C (23:53)
Mes: 25,9°C (10-04) -0,2°C (21-04)
Año: 25,9°C (10-04) -11,8°C (11-01)
Station record: 19,6°C (2013) 8,5°C (2012)


Lluvia hoy:0,8 mm

Intensidad de la Lluvia/hr:0,0 mm

Ayer:1,2 mm

Este mes:67,7 mm

Total anual:123,4 mm

11 días con lluvia este mes 


Viento de N

Viento de N
12,8 kmh

2 Bft
Brisa ligera

8,0 kmh

Ráfagas de hoy:
18,5 kmh en 10:40


Sol:   sunrise  08:27 sunset  18:06

Daylight hh:mm 9:39 ( 0 minutes)

Luna:  moonrise  03:33 moonset  13:53

Cuarto Creciente,  31% Iluminado

Humedad & Baromètro

Humedad: falling 72%

Punto de rocío: falling 14,2°C

Baromètro: falling 1011,2 hPa

Tendencia: Constantes

Indice UV Pronóstico more information

Indice UV Pronóstico more information

Live Weather Data more information



Live weatherdata from Meteoware

can not be run, no Flash support available

Precipitation radars  more information





Précipitaciones information


relampago information


Nublado information

  Précipitaciones  radar   relampago  radar   Nublado  radar  

UV Index Forecast 

The UV Index Forecast is currently not available

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsmetno3/metnoCreateArr.php on line 100

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): 404 Not Found in /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsmetno3/metnoCreateArr.php on line 100

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Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: String could not be parsed as XML in /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsmetno3/metnoCreateArr.php:100 Stack trace: #0 /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsmetno3/metnoCreateArr.php(100): SimpleXMLElement->__construct('404 Not Found\nT...') #1 /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsmetno3/metnoGenerateHtml.php(34): metnoWeather->getWeatherData('36.601297863348...', '-4.531334638595...') #2 /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsmetno3/wsDashMetno.php(97): include('/home/meteoben/...') #3 /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsDashForecast.php(54): include('/home/meteoben/...') #4 /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsStartPageDemo.php(183): include('/home/meteoben/...') #5 /home/meteoben/www/weather28/index.php(353): include('/home/meteoben/...') #6 {main} thrown in /home/meteoben/www/weather28/wsmetno3/metnoCreateArr.php on line 100